

Mine Redesign at Culturally Significant Granite Outcrops Site


The granite outcrops are of significant cultural importance to Tjiwarl and can be found throughout the Kathleen Valley Project.

The Kathleen Corner pit had several artefact sites that were required to be salvaged prior to commencement of mining, in accordance with the section 18 and CHMP. During the salvaging, additional granite outcrops were identified as being of cultural significance. Working collaboratively with the Tjiwarl, it was determined that the area should not be disturbed and the pit design was altered to preserve the outcrops. The redesign resulted in a reduction of pit access ramps from two to one, while maintaining the pit footprint.

“We have allowed Liontown to disturb the landscape with mine and infrastructure. This is a big trust on the part of the Tjiwarl people, and we expect that Liontown will do the right thing for the Tjiwarl country and people. This means they will return the country in as good a place when they leave. There have been other projects that we have fought against and stopped in the past, but in this instance, we have been able to build a relationship that reflects a level of trust, especially with the handling of Putungurrira (Ants Dreaming site). The Tjiwarl were very uncomfortable with the original design of the open cut mine and the potential for damaging and destroying the site. By following the Cultural Heritage Management Plan and effecting the trust between Tony Ottaviano, Liontown’s MD/CEO and other senior management, the company has committed not to destroy the site, expand on that trust, and give it effect in a real way. It boils down to a company setting up and operating on a culturally sensitive landscape in a way that does not offend or desecrate but supports culturally sensitive development.”
– Kado Muir, Director, Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation

We will be able to backfill the perimeter of the pit with waste rock generated by our underground mining activities, allowing the Tjiwarl continued access to the granite outcrops. This will also result in the responsible utilisation of waste rock material, eliminating the need for a waste rock dump.

This story is an excerpt from the Liontown Resources 2023 ESG Report.